Girl of Shadow Page 6
My morning post is at the entry to the house. Come by and pretend to flirt, no one will think anything of it. Also, I spoke to Sam just this morning, he told me about Daniau and Izabel’s dreams. It could be completely meaningless or it could be very important. The name is not very common and so far I don’t know anyone with that name who Izabel would know. However, there was a man named Daniau who was murdered some time ago that was connected to us. We never found out who did it, but we have our suspicions. It’s definitely interesting. He was working for The Boss at the time so we always suspected his involvement, but it’s unlikely Izabel would have known him since she was only a girl. Still, the name’s unusual enough. I wonder if she knows something about it. Perhaps heard the details from her father. Either way I’ll pass the information along to higher ups and find out what they think. They research it and get back to me. If you can dig a little deeper into Izabel maybe get her to trust you enough to share information… we could really use the intel.”
I barely restrain a snort. What he asks is not possible. The intense dislike we have for each other would only make her suspicious if I tried to cozy up to her now. Plus, I’m not so sure I could play nice with her for even a few minutes. “I’ll see what I can do.” There are other ways of gathering information about her.
“If you can manage this, I’ll put in a good word with our superiors for you. Samuel mentioned you wanted to change positions.” Now that makes me smile. I’m willing to do just about anything to get out of babysitting duty. I might even be able to play nice long enough to pull it off if a transfer is the reward. There’s only so much I can take and I’m near my brink.
“Thanks, Daytin. I’ll see what I can get you in the next few days.” All thoughts of Samuel’s troubles are far from my mind. As far as I’m concerned it’s ‘Adios Sammy’. He was ineffective anyway. Perhaps, I’ll even be promoted within the group to take over poor Sammy’s spot.
Chapter 10
“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”
-Haile Selassie
Charlie holds his head high as I lead him to the dungeon. Even knowing what will happen after I leave doesn’t affect his composure. His pride might be his strength and like his wife, he has a spine of steel.
Instead, I am the one struggling. I’ve had to kill fellow conspirators before, but I hardly knew them and they were never high enough in the ranking to know me. I never felt like I was betraying a friend and could always justify it in my head as protecting our goal. This time it’s so much more personal. I will lose two people who have come closest to true friends as any I have ever known.
Selfishly, I want them alive for myself; to know I’m not alone. Especially Charlie, who has been a mentor since the death of my father. I may lead Liberty, but there are so many more components to it. Most importantly, we are a family made by free choice, stronger than blood. As the leader, it’s so hard to find people I can trust explicitly, but I could always count on Charlie.
I slow my steps down a bit, reluctant to lock him up, but before we both know it, a guard is there opening the cell.
Locking him in with Samuel, I try not to grimace as I catch a glimpse of Samuel’s bloody shirt. Jeremiah, the coldhearted bastard, really did a number on him. He doesn’t look up at me or Charlie and I guess it’s probably out of shame. I wish I could offer him a kind word, something to ease his mind. Hopefully, Charlie will tell him that his wife has fled. It should bring him a small measure of consolation.
I leave them both with so much unsaid since I’m within the observation of one of my men. At the base of the stairs, I glance back for just a second. I catch Charlie’s eye for a brief moment, he’s moved to sit close to Samuel. I know he believes no one will break him. I hope he’s right. A spirit like his deserves a swift death, not torture.
I promise myself then, if I get even the slightest chance, I will find a way to get them both out and back to their families.
Upon arriving upstairs, I find guards conducting a sweep of the property, checking every nook and crevice. Curious as to the cause, I ask the closest guard. It looks as if they’re searching for rodents in the way they’re digging through each room.
“The Principessa is not in her bed. With all the guests here tonight and the prisoners downstairs, the Don asked for a guard to secure the presence of his sons and then to check on Izabel. He wanted her to stay in her room and for the guard to remain at her door, but she was not there. So now we are searching for her.”
I sigh. Of course. “Guys stop!” I can’t handle the idiocy a moment longer. “She’s not a roach. Break up into groups of twos and threes and check the places that make sense! Stop wasting time. Obviously, she’s not going to be hiding in the boxes in the pantry.” I swear some of these guards are just not bright. Many were hired for their brute force or as a favor to a favorite family. All are great at following orders, not so great for thinking outside the box… which is why many of them will never advance any further. “You and you,” indicating two of the guards, “stay here and clean up this mess before someone sees it.”
Throwing off my jacket and vest, I assist in the search, checking all of her favorite areas on my own while leaving the guards to search the general property. She’s nowhere to be found. I rack my brain, trying to think of where else a sheltered girl could be; with each passing minute I’m growing more concerned as possibilities present themselves in my mind. When I am nearing wits’ end, I prepare to open the search to the surrounding property where all the servants and guards live when a guard approaches.
“She’s been found sir. She’s talking with her father now. He would like you to see him as soon as you can.” I’m relieved. The panic I felt when I couldn’t locate her in any of her most frequented spots ebbs just a bit. Still, I want to know what happened and the not knowing keeps me a little on edge.
“Is she alright? Is she hurt?”
“I’m not too sure sir. I never saw her myself. I was only told to deliver this message.”
I make my way to The Boss’s office, hoping to find Izabel in good physical and mental condition. The guards and servants work to put the house back in order so they can retire for the night.
I swear if anyone has harmed her in any way there will be hell to pay…
Chapter 11
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
I make it all the way to the hall leading to my room before running into one of the older capos, Roy. Damn. I keep walking in the hopes he’ll let me go on my merry way.
“Princess!” Yuck. I hate being called that, but I stop and turn to wait to hear what he has to say. “Yes?”
“I’m so glad to have found you, we have been looking for you everywhere. Your father has need of you.”
My heart races for a moment before I remind myself to give away nothing. “Of course. Let me just grab a robe.” He says nothing for a moment, seeming torn between getting me to my father quickly and risking my anger, but in the end he nods his head in agreement after giving my clothing a thorough look. Probably wondering what I’m doing dressed ‘inappropriately’ anyway. Leaving the door open to my room, I pull on a full-length silk robe. It reaches to my ankles
The capo stands casually in the doorway, his eyes always on me as if he’s afraid I’ll disappear and he’ll be blamed for it. To be fair, he probably would be. His presence prevents me from grabbing any additional weapons. “Okay, let’s go.” He walks tall and proud with his shoulders back, his stance practically shouts that he was one on to find me. I hope he’s not too disappointed when he doesn’t get rewarded.
Following him down the hall to a large conf
erence room, my left hand rubbing circles around the bracelet on my right. If anyone caught the nervous movement, they would think nothing of it because everything else about me reeks of serenity. Even if they realized I’m nervous, it’d be understandable considering the unusual circumstances. Meetings of this variety only occur occasionally when something has gone wrong.
No one would guess as I walk the halls that I’m lovingly caressing my weapon. It’s all I have as protection; a last defense. Poison might as well be child’s play when dealing with The Boss, but it’s better than nothing at all. He could cut me down before I ever have a chance to use it. As placid as I try to be on the outside, my heart is pounding wildly on the inside.
Entering the room, I’m met by the sight of capos and associates. Some I am familiar with, while others I am not. I do my best to memorize the unknown faces. When I get the chance, I’ll have to get to know them better.
My brothers are all here as well and of course The Boss, I try to look bored. My father’s ‘guests’ part at my presence. They remain huddled in small groups discussing something while The Boss remains at his desk with my brothers around him in deep conversation with my oldest brother, Michael. I approach but remain a respectful distance with my hands folded in front of me. If I am truly caught, there is nothing that can be done in this room full of men. I would just have to deny, deny, and deny again and hope to the Way, The Boss is capable of mercy even though I know he has none. Still, I might buy myself more time.
Finally, The Boss looks at me. He’s irritated, but not angry. I wonder if he’s toying with me. “Please everyone, leave the room. I need to speak to my daughter for a moment alone. If anyone sees Darick, send him in. Michael, you stay too.” The room empties quickly, most mind their own business, not interested in tangling with The Boss’s private matters. There are a few who look on with interest, leaving last and probably hoping to hear a hint of conversation. The Boss is too smart for that. He waits until the door’s closed before he begins.
I feel a small amount of relief when everyone’s gone. It means I might have a slim chance. I can work with slim. “Sit Izabel.” I sit like an obedient dog without even thinking, finding the nearest chair to park myself in. “I sent men looking for you sometime back. You were not in your room.” He doesn’t say it as a question, but I know he means to get a response.
“No. I was unable to sleep...” Time to lie. “So I decided to walk a bit, then I went to the workout room to try to expel my excess energy. I was just going to bed when I was informed you wanted to see me.” I kept my demeanor meek, letting him believe I’ll fold to his will.
“It’s a great waste of my men’s time when you are not where you are supposed to be! Your foolish activities look poorly on the family. You must stop! For now on you…” Darick slips into the room shutting the door quietly behind him. The Boss visibly relaxes at the sight of his future son-in-law and enforcer. We watch him approach.
Darick’s dressed more casually than usual. His black leather jacket and vest are missing and his button up shirt is pulled up at the sleeves, revealing his tattoos of intricate clocks. I’ve heard rumors the clocks reveal the time of death of the people he loved. I’ve always been curious about them, but it seems too personal of a thing to converse about. He did get them after he was a made man after all. Watching him move toward me, I imagine tracing over the lines with my finger. He awkwardly coughs, having caught me staring. I turn back around and face my father.
He takes a place standing behind me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. An involuntary shiver runs through me, from my neck to my toes.
“You requested my presence?”
“Yes.” The Boss waves him forward. He takes a seat in the chair nearest me. “Darick, I’m glad you’re here for this conversation since this does pertain to you. Now as I was saying,” he turns his attention back to me. His temper now pacified compared to what it was before. “You must clear any activity with Darick or me. Times are dangerous, there are many who want to see an end to our family, our legacy. I won’t bore you with the details, but it’s important we are able to find you on a moment’s notice. When you need to leave the house, you will have your regular guard and Darick to accompany you.” Darick shoots me a look I think is disapproval but if he does he keeps it to himself. When he turns back to my father his face gives nothing away. That rule is definitely cramping his style. Good. However, it also cramps mine as well. I can easily shake off my own guard for a few minutes without them noticing. All it takes is a simple distraction, but not Darick, he’s too astute. And where the other guards will cover for my disappearance to protect their own skin, I know Darick will do no such thing. If I’m missing, he will hunt me down.
“The rest of the time you need to follow obvious rules like,” he gives me a pointed look, “being in your room in the middle of the night. It’s for your protection. If you feel this is too difficult for you to follow, I’ll have to assign you a regular guard to stand at your door day and night.” That definitely won’t work. My cover would be blown within a week. It’s already hard enough with Margery who comes and goes at all hours of the day.
“That won’t be necessary father. Really it won’t. I’ll keep to my room at night.”
He looks me over as if trying to decide if I’m in earnest. “Fine. Those are the rules that stand for now, but I will make adjustments if this becomes a problem in the future.”
“Thank you, father, and sorry for worrying you.”
Darick asks The Boss where I wandered off to tonight. I tap my foot impatiently. It’s very irritating when I’m sitting here and perfectly capable of answering the question, but, of course, no one bothers asking me. I open my mouth to say just that but shut it when father gives me a warning look. I have tried his patience enough for one night and I don’t wish to provoke his anger, there’s enough time for it later when I have more control of the situation.
He gives Darick the same answer I gave him. Darick pauses at the information a moment, before giving me a curious look like he doesn’t quite believe me. My face is a perfect mask of innocence. Nodding at The Boss, he says, “If that’s all, I can escort Izabel back to her room so you can discuss other more important things.” The Boss nods in agreement, seeming eager to move on to bigger and better concerns. Already he reaches for some paper or another, his daughter forgotten, having been safely passed off to another. I think it’s one of the main reasons he’s so keen on seeing me married off.
Darick doesn’t say a word to me until we are far enough down the hall that others can’t hear. Most have already filtered back into the office anyway.
Still recovering from the slight embarrassment of finding everyone attempting to eavesdrop by the closed door, I don’t expect what Darick does next. He turns on me then, trapping me with an arm on each side. His body is racked with tension when he leans his head to whisper in my ear, “Where were you really tonight?”
“Like my father said, I was tired so I decided to take a stroll through the gardens and then went to work out,” I whisper back with fury, mad that he would handle me in such away. I haven’t heard this tone from him… ever. And, it caught me off guard and put me in defensive mode.
I look everywhere but his eyes. With his arms this close I get a real look at his intricate tattoos. They’re so detailed, down to the little ticks that indicate the minute. I actually reach up and brush my fingers over the outline of one like I had wanted to do in my father’s office. He shivers. I drop my hand, having no idea what just came over me, a blush brightens me checks. “Izabel.” He says my name like a challenge, now I have no choice but to look him in the eye. “What happened?”
I’m barely able to whisper, “Nothing.”
He looks at me again with suspicion in his eyes. Somehow he can tell I’m lying. I wonder when he became so good at reading me when he directs his attention to my very dirty, muddy shoes. Shoes that clearly say, ‘Izabel was not strolling through the gardens.’ When his eyes m
eet mine, I jut my chin forward with confidence, daring him to voice his protest.
“Fine don’t tell me, but know this, I checked every one of those locations myself. You weren’t there.” I shiver at the implication, but he doesn’t seem to notice. “If you’re sneaking out to see someone, I won’t hold it against you,” his eyes and the tension in is body said he would, “but your father certainly will.” And it’s true my father would kill anyone he suspected I was stepping out with. But that doesn’t matter right now, Darick’s sparked my temper and I have to slash out at him anyway I can.
Feeling bold I whip out, “Jealous much Enforcer?” I regret the words as soon as I speak them. What do I care if he is or isn’t jealous? There’s no need to push that button, unless I do care?
He pushes himself closer to me as if to regain my attention, his eyes becoming sharper, challenging. Without acknowledging my words, although his body says enough, he continues, “It will end poorly for the fool and probably by my hand. So end it.” Realizing the out he just gave me, I change tactics. No longer in the mood to goad him, I nod with earnest and let a guilty look cross my face, which isn’t difficult considering.
It’s better for him to think I’m meeting a secret lover then for him to guess the truth. He drops his arms and walks down the hall, not looking over his shoulder to see if I follow. He knows I will.
Chapter 12
“The right thing to do never requires any subterfuge, it is always simple and direct.”
-Calvin Coolridge
I hate leaving Izabel at her door after being so rough with her, but I don’t have time tonight to smooth over hurt feelings. She has to realize how serious her situation is, being The Boss’s daughter comes with all kinds of risks to herself and others; I hope she’s not too blind to see the danger right in front of her. Part of me is upset because I was worried and another part of me is angry at her lies. More than anything, I’m jealous… though, I have no right to be. I don’t believe she was telling the truth; her story felt like a lie. And still, just the idea of her with someone else makes me crazy; imaginary or not.